
Frank King was a quarter-finalist on Star Search...he lost to a puppet. He's also appeared on A&E's An Evening at the Improv, Showtime's Comedy Club Network, and CNN's Business Unusual. In addition to telling jokes, he's been busy selling jokes. He's written nationally for Jay Leno, Joan Rivers, and Dennis Miller. They've called him the best thing to happen to after-dinner since dessert. He's opened up for Jerry Seinfeld, Adam Sandler, Jeff Foxworthy, and Ron White. Most recently was himself opened up, by a crack team of cardiac surgeons, at the Oregon Heart and Vascular Institute…who performed an aortic valve replacement, his second, and tossed in a double bypass, his first…so he truly is, Funny at Heart. As a Certified Laugh Coach, Stress Reduction Specialist, and Professional Comedian since 1985 who has totaled one marriage, two heart valves, and three cars, and turned a million dollar real estate portfolio, amassed by age 52, into, thanks to the recession and a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy filing, a $125,000 real estate portfolio by age 53, I offer time-tested tools for using humor to turn pain into punchlines, losses into laughs, and messes and stresses into successes.

Imagine for a moment that you're at the wrap party for your most recent event, and all that anyone can talk about is: "Where in the world did you find that fabulous Mental Healthcare Speaker and Trainer?" and "How in the world are we ever going to top that next year?"




"You can make a difference. You can change a life. I can show you how."

Company Websites

Suicide Prevention Speaker and Trainer
TEDx Coaching Frank King Public Speaking Coach
Mental Health in the Workplace
Suicide Prevention Speaker

Mental Health Keynote Speaker
Stigma Reduction Speaker

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